
Well I have to say the virtual exhibition project has been rather interesting and a different type of challenge to face when it comes to creating an exhibition. When comparing to the group curative show it was a lot easier for me because I prefer to be independent within my work for I can do it in my own time and I can make my own time plans and create my own show to the visual standards that I see appropriate and professional.

At the start of this project  I knew straight away that I wanted to use the maquette as a portrayal of my virtual exhibition for I thought by using just online layouts or CAD would bore me to create and I didn’t want that I wanted to be able to enjoy the project so I thought by creating it by hand would show the best of my abilities and also would show visually an exact appearance of what I would like to achieve if I was to create a real life curative show.

So I started of with figuring out what the title of my show would be and I finally decided on ‘The greatest artists of the 20th century’. I wanted art work in my exhibition that everyone would recognise, however they may not have seen the work before but they would really like to see it. For I know of all the artists in my exhibition and their works, but I have never saw any of the work in real life and this is something I have always wanted to see. I also believe that if this type of exhibition was to come to somewhere local like Birmingham it would gain a huge audience and become a must see whilst visiting the city.

When creating the virtual exhibition the white-walled space is something that was a definite must for me because I like the clean and professional look it gives out and it also suits the type of art work I have included. It also makes the art work stand out for I have used pieces of work that involve a lot of colour, so the contrasts of the white wall and colourful art will make the work stand out.

The positives that have come from this project is it gave me a chance to experience something different for this is something I have never done before, but it is now something I have experienced and enjoyed, unlike the group curative show which I wasnt so keen on. I also think by using a maquette for my show suited what I wanted to achieve and show to an audience and I think that it gives of a good example of how I envisioned my exhibition to be in a real life show.

The negatives in my opinion were that I found it difficult to find a starting point and to get started for it was different to me and I didn’t want to mess it up or do anything wrong. Also I found the press release rather difficult to produce and to make it look professional for this is still something I am not used to creating, so I still think I need practice on this.

Overall I have greatly enjoyed this project and if I was to be given another project like this I will be more prepared and at ease because of having this virtual show to create.

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